What is event painting?
Event painting is a service where an artist attends an event and creates a painting on site from observation. It is such a unique way to capture a special occasion. Not only is it entertaining and memorable for guests, but you are left with a complete and custom work of art at the end of the event.
Details, Pricing & How to Book:
I arrive to the venue a couple of hours early to set up and begin mapping out the space on my canvas. Once the party gets going, I get to start painting in the details and guests. I usually wrap things up about an hour before the party is over and put the finished painting on display.
Any event is paintable. Weddings, showers, work events, and parties of any kind make for a vibrant and captivating painting. The starting price is $1,500 for local events (there is a price increase for events more than an hour away). That covers a 24x30 inch canvas or smaller. A $200 deposit is required to book.
If this is a service you are interested in for your event, please feel free to contact me!